I took up knitting again after a 20 year hiatus in January this year. I taught myself to cast on, the major inhibiter to my knitting career, because I had never learned to cast on when I last knitted at the age of 8. Luckily we have the Internet now, which wasn't around when I was a kid, so rather than braving the derision of my mother and grandmother for not knowing something so simple, I just followed some pictures on the web and voila, I was knitting. The first thing I noticed once I got going was that not only did I remember how to knit fairly well, but that I could also do it without looking. That was pretty exciting, and also has led me to an excess of TV for the last 4 months as I sit and watch Neighbours and cop dramas while I knit, and I don't normally watch tv at all so maybe it wasn't a good thing.
Anyways, some doll blankets for my daughters 'friends', a scarf and a couple of beanies later I attempted my first jumper, which I call the Misshapen Jumper, which isn't actually that bad looking, I just call it that because that was how I expected it to turn out. I am going to insist my daughter wear it.
I am now halfway through knitting a broken rib sweater for myself, which is coming along nicely, and I have also begun knitting the Sahara which is the current SKC KAL, and if you don't know what that is I am not going to tell you. I will post progress pictures later for shits and giggles.